Monday, January 13, 2014

CanCERT treatment with aloe vera

You read articles, blogs or testimonials singing the praises of the healing properties of aloe vera cancer. Or you've heard cancer survivors who share their experiences with chemotherapy and aloe .What's in aloe deserves this praise ? Some can not give a valid explanation why aloe works against cancer. Skeptics just scratching his head in exasperation
.You'll be happy to know that studies both alternative therapy camp and the scientific community showed similar explanations of the benefits of aloe vera in the treatment of cancer.Aloe vera affect cancer cells in three points. One is to strengthen the immune system. The second mechanism is due to apoptosis ( cell suicide) . And Thirdy , aloe enhances the cytotoxic efficacy of chemotherapy drugs in cancer cells .

Strengthens the immune systemAloe vera stimulates the immune system of your body . Thus, it kills cancer cells through activation of scavenger cells of the body - including macrophages and white blood cells and T lymphocytes .International Immunopharmacology Research published in 1995 carried out in aloe . The study gave evidence that aloe polysaccharides are the secret of its potent macrophage activity that kills cancer cells.Furthermore, the lectin ( a substance in the aloe ) stimulates the production of macrophages . When macrophages attack the foreign body , the immune activation against cancer naturally and free from substances such as interferons , interleukins and tumor necrosis factor 

.Direct effect on cancer cells by apoptosisResearch has identified the compound of aloe - emodin , hydroxyanthraquinone in aloe leaf . Through controlled experiments , researchers found that emodin triggers apoptosis or cell suicide in cancer cells . Aging cells of your body usually commit suicide to avoid the replication of genetic material used . The opposite happens with cancer cells. Despite their aberrant genetic material , cancer cells multiply faster cells continuously generate strange and deadly form of tumor masses are multiplied pace.

This was demonstrated in a study by Pecere and colleagues at the University of Genoa , Italy. Their work revealed that emodin inhibited tumor activity in neuro tumors. . The mechanism by which aloe-emodin worked through " induction of apoptosis " Interestingly, the research also found that attacks cells aloe - emodin exclusively cancer and spares normal cells.

Yet another study, this time at the China Medical University in Taiwan , led by Ya- yin Chen et al showed that emodin , emodin and Rhein killed cancer cells by apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in cancer cells human language. Surprisingly, the research also found that aloe -emodin induced DNA damage in human cells of cancer of the tongue.

There was also a study showing that aloe reduces the risk of smokers develop lung cancer.Improving the cytotoxic effects of anti - cancerSome oncologists or combine aloe vera gel with standard chemotherapy regimens . More precisely , two chemotherapy drugs - cyclophosphamide , and 5 - fluorouracil - combined with aloe to enhance your activity anti - tumor .In 2009, a clinical study was conducted in Italy in 240 patients with metastatic lung cancer , bowel and stomach. Half of these patients were treated with aloe vera juice three times a day as part of their chemotherapy treatment. The other half had only their standard chemotherapy. The results showed that patients undergoing standard treatment with aloe supplementation manifested a better quality of life, higher survival rate ( over 3 years ) and fewer side effects of chemotherapy.

Aloe Vera as a supplementThe aloe vera gel is used as a dietary supplement to promote health and prevent disease. If you are a cancer patient and choose the aloe vera as a supplement, it is always advisable to inform your healthcare provider .

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